Wednesday, September 23, 2009

[粉絲] Emmy Award嚴重缺乏Generation Kill Boys(補圖)

Sgt. Jeff Carisalez, Staff Sgt. Eric Kocher
and Sgt. Rudy Reyes(點圖放大)

等了一整天,終於有GK相關的照片出來了。而且根據柯南‧福爾摩斯哈的推測,有去踩紅地毯的應該只有上面三位我們親愛的真Marines吧(雖然都退役了)!不然不可能沒有其他人的照片啊~ (抓頭)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

[日本] 夢想甲子園~夢をときめけ!明日にきらめけ!



Friday, September 18, 2009

[青菜] 宮崎駿—妹へ



Monday, September 14, 2009

[生活] 小哈碎碎念 Sep. 14th, 2009



Friday, September 11, 2009

[影像] Generation Kill 《殺戮世代》- #6 Stay Frosty

不知不覺就來到第六集了,有一種快解脫但是又有點淡淡的哀傷的感覺。這張照片其實是第一集裡的一幕,小女孩穿著綠洋裝橘色的頭巾,高聳的電線桿還有疾駛而過的悍馬車,小哈覺得很詩意,不放上來可惜,而且前三集(還有第七集)的導演Susanna White可是很努力向HBO爭取,才把這麼美的鏡頭留下來。

Monday, September 7, 2009

[粉絲] 小哈心碎了--假的Bon Jovi – The Circle Tour @ Asia!!




Dear Bon Jovi Fans, Bon Jovi Management, Obie and anyone else of the Bon Jovi camp,
The site that was once hosted on this page was solely for Jovitalk. Obviously I knew that when I created the fake site, things like these get copied to other messageboards, but when stuff like that happens it's out of my hands really. However, I understand that even after it became obvious that it was me who was behind the fake dates, and even after I deleted the home page,, people still questioned if it was real. That was never my intention. The intention was to confuse people, make some sort of prank, and then after a week it to be over.
A good lesson for the media however is that they should check their facts over something as simple as this. I found out that this was placed in many newspapers all over the world while none of them checked their facts. I know this happens with tabloids, but any respected news site and newspaper should be ashamed of themselves for posting anything that's as unofficial as my site.
What Oh be says is right. Always check the official site for information. Obie, I am sorry if I gave you more work. Someone as funny and busy as you are doesn't deserve this.
For the people that seriously still believed the dates; I am very sorry if it still confused anyone. The dates were fake. I made everything up, and nothing of it was true. I am a horrible person.
P.S. thanks for all the traffic. It's made me lots of money.
老實說,fans看到tour dates興奮都來不及了,哪會想到可能是假的,更何況消息是從最大的fan site出來的。雖然心碎了,還是把辛辛苦苦寫的東西留下來好了,錢也順便省下來了。LOL

Saturday, September 5, 2009

[影像] Generation Kill 《殺戮世代》- #5 A Burning Dog

好像每篇Generation Kill Recap的開頭都要來解釋一下名詞,真是個麻煩的節目。XD 第一集第二集的時候Pappy說過一句話,"Never pet a burning dog." 意思就是,如果事情的狀況已經很糟糕了,千萬不要攪進去,倒楣的是自己而已。(怎麼覺得這句話在很多地方都很受用。XD)
這一集,1st Recon就真的狠狠的拍了燃燒的小狗狗啊。

Thursday, September 3, 2009

[日本] 伊勢神宮 (August 13, 2009)

伊勢 Isei 090813_09


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

[影像] Band of Brothers & Generation Kill九月重播!

From this day to the ending of the world we in it shall be remembered. We few, we lucky few, we band of brothers. For he who today sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.
--Lipton quoting Shakespeare

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

[粉絲] Okay, let's show some love to our pal Ray Ray, James PJ Ransone and dear Lt. Fick, Stark Sands.

 James PJ Ransone
Stark Sands

竟然有人在留言板上這麼認真問我Generation Kill的問題(大心),這樣懶惰哈好像沒法繼續裝死了,而且其實是有點擔心我的回答會把留言板塞爆,所以也很認真用一篇來回答。XD PJ, you lucky bastard. Stark少爺都還沒名字可以出現在標題上這種待遇喔!後來發現不知不覺Stark也寫了不少,標題改一下好了。(笑)