Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson
昨天看到推友推了一個很有趣的影片:天文學家對鐵達尼號感到生氣。點進去看差點沒笑翻。這位天文物理學家Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson用他那幽默風趣的態度,描述他對電影鐵達尼號中錯誤的不滿的故事。重點是他很棄而不捨,找到機會就對導演James Cameron曉以大義,結果最後還真的成功了,你說酷不酷?!XD
Cameron, who recently returned from his voyage to the Mariana Trench, said:“Neil deGrasse Tyson sent me quite a snarky email saying that, at that time of year, in that position in the Atlantic in 1912, when Rose is lying on the piece of driftwood and staring up at the stars, that is not the star field she would have seen.所以最近要是有人去看什麼鐵達尼3D的話,Rose看的那片天空,就是正確的囉!XD
“And with my reputation as a perfectionist, I should have known that and I should have put the right star field in.” “So I said ‘All right, send me the right stars for that exact time and I’ll put it in the movie.’”