
呼~終於進入到第三集。Screwby這個字,你在一般字典上查不到,因為是Bravo Two裡Corporal Evan 'Q-Tip' Stafford發明的。可以用來形容糟到不行或是酷翻天的狀況,一個字有兩個完全相反的意思。
* Brad's complaint works

Brad: Sir, the main weapon on your point vehicle is unreliable. Given the prevailing climatic conditions using this lubricant is like trying to buttf**k a virgin underage Phuket whore with chalk. I mean, KY is clearly called for, sir.

Lt. Fick: You'll have to deal with it, Sergeant. We've got four more towns to assault through today. You want logistics, join the Army. Marines make do.
Lt. Fick: Present for you. LSA. Scammed some off the guys in RCT One.
Brad: Sir, not to get homoerotic about this ... but I could kiss you.
Lt. 把Brad的抱怨聽進去了(雖然Lt.之前就忍不住飆過Casey Kasem為什麼連基本的補給都做不好),跑去RCT1(Regimental Combat Team One)騙了一些潤滑油回來,你看Brad開心的咧。
* Swift, silent and deadly
Bravo2 前一晚剛經歷一場致命的埋伏,平常很少說話的Pappy,也忍不住抱怨起來了……

Pappy: We're reconnaissance Marines. Swift, silent and deadly. And Godfather knows this. And he knows when he sends us into the shit, like yesterday, we'll probably come out on top. Cause we're the best. But that don't make it right.
看影集時真的會很氣,覺得指揮官怎麼都不顧下屬的性命,明知一定有埋伏,還是要叫輕裝的偵察兵就這樣開著悍馬車衝過去,偵察兵不是這樣用的!雖然原著有將整個高層的戰略解釋清楚,看戲時還是忍不住覺得大老闆真是個好大喜功的白痴啊~= =
Note: Godfather是第一偵查營指揮官的無線電呼號
* We've got some hip-hop: Hot in Herre
Bravo2在戲裡有唱不完的歌,這首Hot in Herre是小哈的最愛之一。
Q-Tip(口音好可愛)和Christeson這兩個Lt.車上的小朋友,嘻哈的律動超棒的。 Lt. 從後面跑過來,告訴Christeson射太高了,也是真實的事情。
* Danger-close
上一段影片,Bravo2在路邊發現了一小組RPG team,Christeson開槍消滅他們了。Bravo的指揮官,換了無線電頻率,卻沒有告訴其他Bravo裡的單位,讓Lt. Fick拼了命也聯絡不上指揮官Encino Man。Encino Man一直頑固的堅持RPG team沒被殲滅,要求Bravo整連停在明顯擁有武裝且充滿威脅的小鎮前,他則要呼叫空中攻擊,摧毀早已不在的RPG team,Lt.衝上去找指揮官問到底是怎麼回事。
Fick: What the f**k is going on here? You weren't on your comms!
Encino Man: I'm calling in a fire mission.
Doc: Sir, I don't like this. These two get their f**king heads together it's f**king dangerous! It's the oldest play in the book, officers calling in danger-close fire missions to get medals.
Casey Kasem: Lieutenant Fick, you need to square these shitbirds away. You need to N.J.P. that man.
Fick: Sir, tell me exactly what you're doing.
Encino Man: I'm calling in a fire mission on a hunter-killer R.P.G. team.
Fick: There is no R.P.G. team. I called it in. My men destroyed it.
Casey Kasem: Lieutenant, it doesn't matter if we're right or wrong. You and your men can't disobey orders. An officer who does needs to be relieved of his command!
Fick: Sir,I'm merely trying to pass you accurate information. There is no hunter-killer R.P.G. team. What is your order, sir?
Encino Man: I'm calling in a fire mission at Papa Quebec 059, 098, 038 degrees, 200 meters.
Fick: Aye, sir.
Lovell: Sir, should we dig in for the fire mission?
Fick: There won't be a fire mission. Hitman's using the wrong protocols.
Doc: What?
Lovell: Hitman has the grids all designated wrong. There won't be a fire mission.
Doc: There's a switch! For once our asses get saved by sheer incompetence.
Doc 是Bravo2最outspoken最有guts的第一名。Lt. Fick放第二名是因為他比較有禮貌一點點。XD 不過其實他受到的威脅最大,直接質疑直屬長官。Bravo連長Encino Man真是令人難以置信,連最基本的安全距離和呼叫空襲的通訊協定都搞不清楚……難怪Doc會說,Encino Man跟Casey Kasem交頭接耳時,真是要命的危險啊。
* Feeling safe is all relative
Bravo2在路邊承受攻擊時,Reporter躲在Brad車子旁,Lt. Fick很輕鬆愉快地跑到他旁邊對他說……
Fick: Most people in America right now probably think of Iraq as a dangerous country. Now if I were to stand up, I might get killed. But to us, behind this wheel, it's pretty safe. So to us, Iraq is a safe country right here. I feel pretty safe. Do you feel safe?
Reporter: Pretty safe, I guess.
Fick: See? It's all relative.
Lt.的理論其實頗有道理,大概是在高度緊張的精神狀態之摧殘下,逼不得已才發展出這樣的樂觀理論。不過其實還滿可愛的,明明剛剛才被威脅因為違命,有可能要解除他在Bravo2指揮官的職務,還可以這樣一派輕鬆的安慰Reporter。書裡面的Lt.也是這樣,而且更長篇大論,邊說還邊笑,超有梗的。原著裡的Lt. Fick感覺上比HBO上的Lt. Fick要陽光很多啊~
* Making the turn
Fick: Two One, this is Hitman Two. Interrogative: where is the turn? Over.
Brad: Hitman Two, this is Two One. It's coming right up. 100 meters. Over.
Fick: Two One, it better be. I can assure you that Godfather's watching.
Brad: Dude, I am so lost right now.
Ray: Don't worry about it, buddy. I know where we're going. We passed seven villages. There's one more. Hey, do you remember the gay dog episode of "South park"? The one where Sparky runs away cause he's humping all those other dogs and shit?
Brad: Yes, Ray, I...I do remember it very well. But I don't see what relevance this has on our present status.
Ray: There's the hamlet, our turn.
Brad: Hitman Two, this is Two One. We're making that turn now. Over.
Fick: Roger that. Nice job. Over.
Ray: Hey, Brad? Do your big gay Al for me. Come on, buddy! Do it for your old pal Ray, the one who made the right turn.
Brad: "Well, hello there, little pup. I'm big gay Al. Have you been outcast?"
Ray: F**k yeah.
Lt.擺明了知道Brad迷路了,還威脅他Godfather有在看喔。XD還好Ray知道路,轉彎後Brad還馬上用愉悅到有點娘的聲音跟Lt.邀功是怎樣?!哈哈~Brad的Big Gay Al的模仿太screwby了啦~Ray Ray rules!!
* Don't pass the inappropriate R.O.E.
Godfather感覺上又要他的人去送死了,為了搶在英國空軍之前,他要求輕裝的偵察兵前去拿下有重兵埋伏的機場,又因為知道前有重兵,所以Godfather要求更改R.O.E.(Rules of Engagement,交戰規則)成所有的伊拉克人都是有威脅的,看到人就開槍。

Godfather: This is Godfather. Godfather Actual has declared all Iraqis hostile in proximity to the objective. How copy? Over.
Patterson: Affirmative. Copy that. Godfather just changed the rules of engagement. He's lowered the bar. Shit, he's removed the bar. New R.O.E. has all Iraqis on or near that airfield declared hostile.
Gunnery Sergeant: A free-fire zone?
Patterson: I'm not passing that word. Keep this change in the R.O.E. off our net.

Captain Bryan Patterson
Played by Michael Kelly
小哈常笑說,Lt. Fick和Captain Patterson大概是GK裡唯二有帶腦袋出來上戰場的軍官了。Capatin Patterson超級有guts,而且因為軍階比Lt. Fick高,也比較有經驗,大概是因為這樣所以違命違得比較有技巧一些。(笑) 唉唷,如果他是Bravo的指揮官,Lt.大概就不用吃那麼多苦頭了,白痴事情Captain Patterson就會先擋下來。基本上,戲裡面看到他好像總是在吃東西,嘴巴很少停下來耶。也是很有特色的角色。
因為伊拉克軍隊棄機場而逃,留下一堆坦克大砲,所以1st Recon很幸運地沒遭受砲火攻擊而無事佔領機場,Iceman說了這樣一句話……

Brad: Gentlemen. We just seized an airfield. That was pretty fucking ninja.
* Iraqi civilian casualty


雖然戲裡沒演出來,書上卻提到另一個讓我印象深刻的地方是,Lt. Fick與其說煩惱伊拉克平民的傷勢,他更擔心自己屬下的心理狀況。他說絕對不能讓這個事件影響阿兵哥們對海軍陸戰隊的信心,這會影響他們的作戰情緒,所以他才會不管自己之前的違命事件已經讓長官很不爽了,依然堅持Godfather必須同意提供醫療協助。這聽起來其實理性到有點冷血,不過我想在戰場上,這是一個優秀軍官該有的想法吧。
* Trombley is good at being a killer.
Lt. 提醒Trombley可能要準備接受調查,Trombley不擔心自己,反而擔心Brad的事業會受影響。之後Ray對Walt說起……


Ray: I don't want to sound like I'm defending Trombley or anything, but how come nobody remembers that they declared everybody hostile? I mean, they told us to shoot at everybody.
Walt: Yeah. But you know what's even more f**ked up? Trombley only shot two bursts maybe seven rounds. I mean, we're bumping down a dirt road, his targets are like 200 meters out and he hits exactly what the f**k he's shooting at? I mean, f**k, man, the boy is a cold-on deadeye killer.
Ray: Yeah, no shit. That's 'cause he's a psycho. But at least he's our psycho.
PS. 太可怕了,我要起肖了,越寫越長是怎樣…… = =
I would very much like to show some support, but your article is really long!!!After thirty, I find it very difficult to concentrate. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Thanks for your support anyway. If you spend some time watching the mini series, maybe you will find that actually it’s quite enjoyable. I’m assured of this. <--Gotta have some Lt. Fick style XD
here i am to give you some support.
Thank you, Ms. Screwby. I can see a lot of your support...Haha~
看完這沙鹿世代 的文章
article 最後面 Ray說的話 應是原著作者的想法 電視把他改動一下 從別的軍人口中說出來
這部 Generation Kill 不灑狗血 沒有情緒控制的配樂 很冷調的 將戰爭的現實 呈現出來
這幾年沒看過這麼 cool 的影集
HBO 了不起
可以有 True BLOOD 這麼噁拉的三情片
也可以有 GK 這種超棒的 反戰意涵的片
嗯,Evan Wright說,至少他很開心坐在身邊的人是Trombley。:p
雖然True Blood不是我的菜,我承認只有認真看Eric的戲,不過,有這麼糟嗎?(噗)
那再提一遍好了,GK之前被美國很有名的影音網站A.V.CLUB選為00年代電視電影/迷你影集第一名!Of course it's great!!
your article is quite enjoyable to me; plus, you're f*cking screwby!!!
Sh*t just got real!! Oops. I secretly imagine you're Stark Sands' fiancée, lol.
Love your comment. I'm such a dork. XD
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